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Bio Roller  |  條碼: 2306291205215

Bio Needle Derma Stamp Microneedling 微針


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Bio Needle Derma Stamp 120針是一款手動式微針療程儀器,主要用於皮膚煥膚、淡化疤痕及改善膚質等目的。它采用120根精密醫療級不鏽鋼微針,針尖直徑僅為0.25mm,針長0.5-2.5mm可調。

1. 先清潔並消毒好待處理的皮膚區域。
2. 將Derma Stamp垂直置於皮膚上,輕輕按壓並上下、左右移動,使微針刺入皮膚表層0.5-2.5mm深度。
3. 重複上述步驟,直至整個區域均勻受到微針刺激。
4. 最後再次清潔並塗抹相應的護理產品。

使用Derma Stamp的好處包括:
- 可有效刺激膠原蛋白生成,改善皮膚質地
- 幫助淡化疤痕、細紋及毛孔粗大等問題
- 增強後續護理產品的吸收效果
- 操作簡單,適合自我療程使用

整體來說,Bio Needle Derma Stamp 120針是一款安全、有效的微針療程儀器,能為您的皮膚帶來煥然一新的改善。如果您對此感興趣,歡迎進一步了解和購買。

The Best Selling Bio Needle Derma Stamp Is Now 

The Bio Needle derma stamp features 120 Medical grade needles with protective cap and adjustable depth gauge up to 2.0

Advantages Of The Derma Stamp

  • Improve the appearance of scaring,
  • Reduce appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Treat fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin discolouration, evens skin tone
  • Boost hair and beard regrowth and reduce thinning of the hair
  • Increase the penetration of skincare products.
  • The stamp can encourage collagen and elastin reproduction within the skin therefore offering an improved and revitalized complexion.

How To Use a Derma Stamp?

  • Choose the needle gauge you wish to use, set the adjustment dial.
  • Disinfect your derma stamp by letting it soak in 70% isopropyl alcohol for approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Cleanse skin with cleanser of choice to remove all traces of makeup. This will also prevent the exchange of bacteria.
  • Simply press the Derma Stamp Micro Needling skin tool into the area you wish to treat, focusing on one area at a time.
  • Do not over-stamp the same area.
  • Maintain a uniform speed and pressure for the best results.
  • After your finished wash your face with water.
  • After treatment apply a serum to skin while micro-channels are still open.
  • Wash your derma stamp with unscented soap and then disinfect your derma stamp again by letting it soak in the 70% isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes. Put it back in its case and store it somewhere safe.
  • Follow up the derma rolling with a basic skin care routine. That means no chemical exfoliants or active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, tretinoin, etc. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturiser.
  • Please check the needles when reusing the stamp. Replacement is needed when the needle feels blunt. On average, the stamp can be reused up to 10 times

Depth and Needle Length Guidance

0.20-0.25mm = Better skin care absorption. Improving your skin condition. Very fine lines around sensitive areas.

0.3-0.5mm =  Better skin care absorption. Improving your skin condition. Very fine lines around sensitive areas. Eradicate potholes of dirt or dead tissue. Skin whitening and lifting. Prevent hair loss.

0.75-1.0mm = Remove light wrinkles on the face and around the eyes. Rejuvenate under eye area. Acne scaring and light pigmentations.

1.5mm = Remove deep wrinkles and scar. Improve sun damage pigmentations.

2.0mm = Remove Small injury scars & acne scars.

Please note that any needle above 1.00 is recommended for professional usage only.

How Often Can I Use A Derma Stamp?

How often you use a derma stamp depends on the length of needles you’ll be using. Below is a guide for each length:

Needle length (millimetres)           Frequency


0.25 mm                                          Every 2-3 weeks

0.5 mm                                            Every 3-4 weeks

1.0 mm                                            Every 4-5 weeks

1.5 mm                                            Every 4-6 weeks

2.0 mm                                            Every 6 weeks

  • Derma stamping is best performed in the evening.
  • Ensure your skin is completely recovered before starting another session


  • On open wounds
  • On acne or irritated skin
  • If irritation occurs

If in doubt contact your dermatologist

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