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md:ceuticals CC Cream Glow Flawless Skin SPF30 美白素顏保濕防曬霜

md:ceuticals CC Cream Glow Flawless Skin SPF30 美白素顏保濕防曬霜


Regular price $143.00 SGD
Regular price $180.00 SGD Sale price $143.00 SGD
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CC Cream Glow Flawless Skin SPF 30美白素顏保濕霜Glow Booster Flawless Skin

  • 強效保護:選用高濃度全物理防曬成份,無刺激性,360°阻擋UVAI/UVAII/UVB紫外線,全面保護肌膚細胞,預防光老化
  • 抗氧補濕:蘊含維他命B5、B3及E,具抗氧、再生及補濕功效, 能提昇肌膚水份,塑造平滑肌膚觸感
  • 均勻膚色:瞬間改善膚色不均,膚質柔美幼嫩
  • 清爽不膩:質地清爽貼服,不油膩,用後肌膚零負擔,更不會留下白色粒子,可作妝前底霜



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