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芭寶 BABOR - Phyto HY-ÖL Booster Balancing植物均衡醒膚調配液 100ml

芭寶 BABOR - Phyto HY-ÖL Booster Balancing植物均衡醒膚調配液 100ml


Regular price $55.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 CAD
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皮膚類型: 混合性肌膚、油性肌膚
適用於混合性皮膚和油性皮膚的淨化 Phyto 精華,與 HY-ÖL 一起使用。
BABOR HY-ÖL® 兩階段清潔的護膚補充劑,適合混合性皮膚和油性皮膚。清潔過程可支援完整的皮膚屏障和均衡的微生物組。

Skin type: Combination Skin, Oily Skin
Skin concern: Cleansing, even complexion
Purifying Phyto essence for combination skin and oily skin, for use with HY-ÖL.
The skincare supplement for BABOR HY-ÖL® two-phase cleansing for combination skin and oily skin. The cleansing process supports an intact skin barrier and a well-balanced microbiome.

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